Here you can find several downloads concerning our project, the Flight Simulator or the A320
Cockpit overview
To get an idea about all the switches and knobs on board it's usefull to have an overview of the panels. So here you can find them for the main panel, the overhead panel and the pedestal. They really qualify for making some notes for your the construction plan on the basis of the information given in the overviews. Main Panel (.pdf/270,27KB) Overhead Panel (.pdf/396,77KB) Pedestal (.pdf/294,99KB)
Using these files the texteditor PSPad can show clips for SIOC-files and highlight SIOC-keywords. Additionally you can use auto completion and insert text modules into your SIOC-file easily if the following files are installed (notice the helpfile for installation): SIOC-Highlighter (.ini/1,253KB) SIOC-Contextfile (.def/4,65KB) Help - Contextfiles for SIOC (.pdf/621,03KB)